Sunday, June 8, 2008

Latin Mass

I just got back from the Mass. Here are my impressions:

1). Kneeling, kneeling, and when you get tired of kneeling, some more kneeling. There's a lot more kneeling in the Extraordinary Form than in the Ordinary Form. Since I wasn't used to that much kneeling, my knees began to get a little sore.

2) It was a Low Mass, so there was no music. No Haugen or Haas. ;)

3) I liked the reverence. The priest and the altar servers were very reverent. The altar servers had more to do in this Mass than they usually have to do in the Ordinary Form.

4) I was actually able to follow what was going on. I had a 1962 Missal with me, so I was able to follow on. The only thing was that it didn't indicate when to stand, sit, or kneel like the missalettes the others who attended this Mass had.

5) There were more people there than I expected. This is a good sign for future celebrations of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

Overall, I enjoyed it. I would like to attend a High Mass or a Solemn High Mass if given the opportunity.


Christine said...

You will love the High Mass if you get the chance. It is beautiful

AquinaSavio said...

That is definitely true. Did you happen to watch the FSSP ordinations on EWTN?

LRThunder said...

I wasn't able to watch the ordinations, however I'm sure it was great. :)