Sunday, December 27, 2009

Me and college athletics

But I need to get this off my chest.

This situation disturbs me, and unfortunately, it's not the first time. Let's begin with Billy Donovan.

When he announced he was going to coach the Magic, I was saddened. What Gator wasn't? And I was initially elated by his return, before I realized the full impact. He broke his word with the Magic, and I am convinced this is affecting us to this day. How much? I don't know.

And now Coach Meyer. One the one hand, he never broke his word with anyone by actually leaving for another job. But on the other hand, the situation was made to think his health was in serious jeopardy. Granted, the media has a tendency to exaggerate things (putting it mildly). But I honestly hope that he tends to his health and is not just a ploy to get leverage over Foley (as some have insinuated).

I may not be a graduate of UF, but I am concerned with UF's integrity. I am somewhat angered that the head coaches of the Gators' two biggest sports programs have damaged the integrity to some degree. As such, it is not in my best interest to continue supporting the programs while they are associated in any form with the university.

I may get blasted. I may get called a traitor by some (who shall remain nameless), but maybe it's for the best. This maybe the wake up call I need to focus on more important things than investing emotion into a football or basketball game. When the time comes for actual coaching changes, I hope that the Gators hire men who will believe that their word is their bond.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, and Merry Christmas as we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Urgent prayer request

Last evening, Bishop John Ricard suffered a stroke and is currently in the hospital in Pensacola. Please pray for a full recovery.

Monday, December 14, 2009


If true, this judge should be removed for lack of common sense and lack of adherence to the Constitution. A judge has reportedly issued a restraining order against a father, prohibiting him from taking his child to church. Found this out at Creative Minority Report, which has more information.

Truly unbelievable.

Dad Barred from Taking Child to Church?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Student Group case before Supreme Court

In a case that has implications for religious freedom, freedom of association vs non-discrimination, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case of a student group who was denied official recognition at a college. The college said that the group's refusal to allow homosexuals to vote or become officers constituted discrimination, even though anybody could attend meetings of the group.

Student Group case before Supreme Court

Given that two Federal Courts of Appeals have issued conflicting opinions involving the same student group, the Supreme Court will issue a decision one way or the other. Not surprisingly, the Court of Appeals that upheld the college's decision is none other than the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. There isn't a liberal cause it hasn't upheld as constitutional or a conservative cause that it has struck down.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Episcopal Church strikes again

As if the election of Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly homosexual bishop, wasn't controversial enough, this happens:

Lesbian bishop elected

I cannot understand why any church, Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox would elect someone whose lifestyle is against what Christian doctrine teaches. It's one thing to sin and then try to live a life pleasing to God, it's another thing to openly live a life that is disobedient.

The main thing I have to say this is: electing a homosexual to a leadership position in a church is like electing a white supremacist to a leadership position in the NAACP. It does not make sense.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Notre Dame

I like to tease my mom sometimes about Notre Dame's football team. However, given Notre Dame's stance towards the Catholic Church at times, I cannot in good conscience support the university and therefore the football team. Ironic that they would go against Church teaching, given that it's allegedly a Catholic university. But they continue to employ one of the biggest dissidents, and unfortunately, this dissident is a priest. He is Fr. McBrien.

However, in the past year, events at Notre Dame have made even the employment of Fr. McBrien a smaller issue. When President Obama spoke at the graduation and received an honorary degree, a group of 88 people, including a priest, were arrested for trespassing. While legally Notre Dame has the right to pursue charges, do they have the moral right or legal necessity to do that? In my opinion, no. However, they could've easily told the state of Indiana to drop the charges and let things die quietly.

Instead, the Notre Dame 88, as they are called, are still facing charges. Two things about this disturb me greatly. First, that Notre Dame refuses to drop the charges. Technically, it is really the state or a judge who dismisses the charges, but let's not pretend that the university doesn't have the influence to get the charges dismissed. If they wanted to make a point about making sure there were no undue security risks to the President, they could've dropped the charges awhile ago, or they could've also arrested the pro-Obama protesters (whom weren't arrested, by the way). It is bad enough that secular leaders have shown disdain for the Catholic Church, but even worse when a supposedly Catholic university is willing to clamp down on faithful Catholics. The second thing that disturbs me is the judge. Judge Manier is the wife of a retired pro-abortion Notre Dame professor. That alone should cause her to be disqualified from hearing the case, although she has agreed to let the appeals court decide the issue.

In today's age, the Church needs unity, not division. Yet it's almost impossible to achieve unity when members persecute other, more faithful members of the Church. As long as Notre Dame continues on its present course, I cannot in good conscience support Notre Dame.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Mass

First, let me start off by saying this: I am not among the group that think the Ordinary Form of the Mass is invalid or illicit. While some Masses have the potential for being illicit, just because it's not the Latin Mass (known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass) doesn't make it automatically invalid. Not every Mass needs to be in Latin, have incense, or Gregorian Chant. But it does require reverence and not to be confused with entertainment.

The biggest problem I have encountered (until very recently) are the choice in hymns. As some have pointed out on various message boards, the songs we sing at Mass either are banal, or may not completely reflect orthodox Catholic doctrine. Some are just plain silly; for example, "Sing A New Church." My reaction is this: Is the Catholic Church not good enough? Didn't we go through that with the Reformation? Give me the hymn, "The Church's One Foundation" any day.

But a couple of weeks ago, I encountered something that would make the problem of some hymn selections seem minor in comparison. We had a guest priest who celebrated Mass at every Sunday Mass, including the 6 PM Mass which I attended. While the homily was good, the rest of the Mass left much to be desired. The main problem was that he would play around with the words outside of the Consecration. For example, normally the celebrant would say, "The Lord be with you," and the response would be "And also with you" (faulty English translation, but that's for another time). Instead, he would say, "The Lord is with you," and we would give the customary response, and he would say, "Your welcome." Sorry, Fr., but the Mass isn't meant to be entertainment, and you're not the star.

Fortunately, he didn't play around with the Consecration, but attending that particular Mass left me at unease. Our priests and our bishops have great responsibilities as shepherds for their flocks. The Lord trusted St. Peter to "feed his sheep." With a great mission, comes great responsibility.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yet another hiatus

Can't believe it's been so long since I've last posted. I'll try not to go so long without posting again.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my dad, and to all the other fathers. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

RCIA Inquiry

Since I was confirmed at the Easter Vigil in 2007, I've been on the RCIA team at my parish. This July, I'll be taking a more active role. I'll be in charge of the Inquiry phase of RCIA, including coordinating registration of those interested, and teaching the Inquiry sessions.

Please keep me in your prayers as I take on this new responsibility.

Monday, June 1, 2009

George Tiller

Dr. George Tiller, a "doctor" infamously involved in abortion, was shot and killed yesterday while at his church in Kansas.

As evil as his actions were, there is no justification for his murder. The police apparently have apprehended the suspect, and I hope, if he's the culprit, he's convicted and sent away for the rest of his life for his crime.

This murder will only be counter-productive to the pro-life movement. First, it's sending a message that "pro-life" people don't care about people once they're out of the womb. Second, it sends a message that all, or a majority of anti-abortion activists are willing to take murder in their own hands.

Please pray that the pro-life movement does not suffer too much of a setback from this, and that the killer repents of the murder.

Friday, May 29, 2009

In the strange and weird department...

Kicking & Screaming: Journo Dragged from near Air Force One

On the one hand, she wanted to stand up for traditional marriage (which is redundant since homosexual unions aren't marriages).

On the other hand...well...I'll just leave it at that.

California strikes again

Couple ordered to stop holding Bible Study at home

People have scoffed saying that there is no persecution of Christians in this country. They claimed that trying to remove public displays of 10 Commandments and Nativity scenes aren't persecution. Maybe, maybe not, but anybody cannot deny that this would qualify, as well as Connecticut's attempt to seize control of the Catholic Church.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My parents and I returned home from Iowa last night. We flew to Iowa to attend my cousin's wedding. I'll post more about the trip later today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Former rector passes away

Msgr. William Kerr, former rector of the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More (where I'm a parishioner), passed away today. On May 3, he had a stroke after giving his homily and had been in critical condition since then. He was rector from 1971 until 1984. He was currently the director of Florida State University Claude Pepper Center.

Please keep the parish in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Star Trek review

Saw it this past weekend, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There are only a couple of things I didn't really like, but weren't major problems.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I apologize for the delay in any updates. I'll try and post more often whenever I feel the need to post. :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Red Mass

Last night was the Red Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More. It was concelebrated by all the bishops of Florida, with Bishop Dewane, the bishop of Venice, giving the homily. His homily centered on the importance of upholding the Moral law, even if it comes into conflict with secular law. This homily came at an important time when it seems that the secular world is increasing its attack on the Church, especially with the proposed unconstitutional bill in Connecticut.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Regarding criticism of Pope Benedict

Regarding the lifting of the excommunications, the attacks against the Holy Father have been very vicious. If it Bishop Williamson had not had that interview with those imprudent remarks (imprudent to put it charitably), then the critics would've found another excuse.

For those who criticize the Holy Father regarding the lifting of the excommunications, let me ask this question: would you dare to criticize our Lord when he forgave St. Peter for his denial of Jesus? Isn't forgiveness supposed to be part of our faith, or are we supposed to eternally act like the big brother of the parable of the Prodigal Son?

Once again, would you criticize our Lord for his forgiving St. Peter after the thrice denial?

Just food for thought.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Germany and the U.K.

Two places where the Reformation hit the hardest: Martin Luther and his 95 Theses, and then King Henry VIII.

We might be seeing a repeat of this soon, in the cradles of Protestantism:

First, there was some reaction by some German clergy, including bishops, to Bishop Williamson's statements and the lifting of the excommunications. Understandable, but they can't set themselves up to be like the brother of the Prodigal Son.

But the reaction to the lifting of the excommunications is tame compared to what the Austrian bishops are up to now. Pope Benedict XVI tried to appoint a new auxiliary bishop of Linz (think of the European version of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Rochester, you get the drift; Lincoln and St. Louis it ain't), and there was a virulent reaction by the Austrian bishops.

Austrian bishops threatening revolt

(Linked from Creative Minority Report)

And in the U.K., Archbishop Burke was denied permission by the Cardinal Archbishop to say the Latin Mass at the cathedral. While minor compared to the situation in Austria, it is disturbing that there are those who profess to be in union with the Pope, still defy the Pope when he allowed greater celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

Please continue to pray for Pope Benedict XVI as he is facing challenges at this point in his papacy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The SSPX and Bishop Williamson

A furor has been created with the lifting of the excommunications of the four bishops consecrated in 1988. While the official anger is targeted at the bishops of the SSPX themselves, there is no doubt that the true anger is at Bishop Williamson's remarks regarding the Holocaust.

First, I found his remarks to be, at best, imprudent. Two reasons why they were imprudent: 1) he gave his interview, I believe, in a country that frowns upon Holocaust denial 2) his remarks, without any evidence, tried to put a hole in a historically proven event.

While I find his opinions regarding the Holocaust and 9/11 distasteful, remember that he wasn't excommunicated because of radical political or historical views; he was excommunicated because he was part of illicit episcopal ordinations back in 1988. Likewise, the lifting of the excommunications have nothing to do with his personal views either.

There are those attacking Pope Benedict XVI for lifting the excommunications. I find these attacks ironic. On the one hand, they tend to criticize the SSPX for holding to pre-Vatican II practices regarding the Mass and the Sacraments, implying that the SSPX think they know better than the Pope. On the other hand, by villifying the Holy Father, these same critics think THEY know better than the Pope.

This is not a time for smug condescension or arrogant outrage, but a time for reconciliation. The critics of the Pope and the SSPX need to stop acting the like the big brother of the Prodigal Son and start acting more like the father.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Parody alert!

Everybody probably knows the song "Gather Us In."

But here's an excellent parody of the song, which I found at Catholic Answers Forum. I don't know if the poster who posted it made it up themselves, or if someone else did, but it is funny!

Gather Us In

Here in this place, a bad song is starting,
Now will the altar turn into a stage.
All that is holy is slowly departing,
Making a way for the coming New Age.

Gather us in, for we are like captives.
Skipping the Mass, that would be wrong.
But Lord hear our plea, regarding M. Haugen:
Give him the courage to put down that bong.

Dear Father Smith make a beeline procession,
Run if you have to, make it real terse.
If you can start this Mass very quickly,
Maybe we'll only have to sing one verse.

Here's the link to the thread: Gather Us In parody

Sunday, January 25, 2009

National Catholic Reporter...

should be renamed National Catholic Distorter, given their slant on Catholic news and comments by readers.

Their slogan should read: We distort, you decide.

As impossible as it may sound...

I think I have found a "hymn" that may be worse than "Sing a New Church."

It's called "Song of the Body of Christ," and the title is the only part of the song that mentions Jesus in any form. From no direct mentions of God in the lyrics to downgrading the Eucharist from a sacrifice to a "meal," this is probably the worst song ever to be in the pages of a Catholic hymn.

The President talked about change in his campaign. How about change from the unsingable, near heretical songs in the hymnals to something more suitable and something that reflects Catholic teachings? That would be change to believe in.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

3 days

Three days until President Barack Obama is inaugurated as our next President.

Now, what I'm about to say may seem unpopular, but I think it's necessary. As Americans and Catholics, it is our duty to support our new President by showing respect for the office. That's not to say we can't disagree or oppose what he stands for. For example, I find his positions on abortion and taxes to be abhorrent. But on January 20, he will be my President and the President for all Americans.

Some may say, "liberals didn't give Bush a chance, so it's payback time." But is that really the attitude Jesus would have us show? Eye for eye, tooth for tooth? In Romans, St. Paul tells us to submit to government authority (Romans 13:1) and that unless laws are instituted that prohibits the exercise of our faith and the following of God's laws, we are to, within the best of our abilities, obey them. Obviously, we cannot support abortion, but laws that do not conflict with God's commands are to be obeyed.

I will continue to express opposition to abortion and any law that may be passed under Obama (as well as future Presidents) that conflict with the faith, but I will also show respect for our new President. Let us also pray for him, that he may make the right choices as our President.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Florida Gators-2008 National Champions

Can't go wrong with a Catholic name like Urban. :)


Depending on what happens tonight, I'll either be extremely happy tomorrow or somewhat depressed.

I know, I'm being mysteriously cryptic on purpose. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

California court rules on Episcopal parish dispute

California court sides with Episcopals over property

This conflicts with an earlier Virginia court ruling which sided with the parishes in that case.

A couple of observations:

1) The court seems to be getting involved with Episcopalian church law and trying to apply secular law to it. Hopefully, this isn't an omen regarding any future lawsuits involving gay marriage or "women ordination." Then again, this is California we're talking about.

2) Goes to show what happens when any members of the church depart from doctrine and dogma. In this country, at least right now, we don't have to worry about being hauled off to jail for following Christ or going to Mass. So, a second and more insidious tactic is being used against Christianity in this country: heresy, apostasy. Yes, that's what the ordination of openly unrepentant homosexuals involves: heresy and apostasy.

Granted, we're all sinners, and that's why there's the Sacrament of Confession. But this goes beyond that: the Episcopalian bishop in question has no intentions of repenting of his sinful lifestyle. It's one thing to try to turn away from sin, and fail, and quite another to refuse to turn away.

Speaking of extraordinary

I am often amazed at how the word "extraordinary" can be applied in different ways.

Two examples: Extraordinary Form of the Mass, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

On the one hand, at least in my diocese, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is truly extraordinary given that it is only regularly celebrated at one parish, and in the future, maybe two.

On the other hand, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are a commonplace. There is a reason why they have the title Extraordinary...meaning they should only be used in certain circumstances (like not enough priests and deacons to distribute communion).

When I visited Washington D.C. this past summer, I went to Mass at a parish in Woodbridge. Assuming that was how they did things regularly regarding communion, then that was the best way. When it came time to distribute communion, they still had some Extraordinary Ministers, but they also had the other priests and the deacon help out.

Still, interesting to see the different ways in which the word "extraordinary" is applied.

Extraordinary Form of the Mass

I have heard through the grapevine (okay, not a literal grapevine or the song ;) ), that starting this Spring, we'll be having more regular celebrations of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Support your local usher

For those that do not know, I work at a movie theater, and most of the time I am scheduled as an usher.

I would like to take the time to post a few ways you can support your local usher:

1) When arriving at a theater early, please allow the ushers the opportunity to clean the theater. You don't want to sit in a messy least I assume you don't. The world won't end if you can't sit down as soon as the end credits of the previous movie finish.

2) Parents...I know kids will be kids, but please try to prevent them from dumping an entire bag of popcorn on the floor. Not only is it messy to clean up, but that's money down the drain for you.

3) Every little bit helps. As you leave the theater, please take the time to pick up any trash and take it to the nearest trash can. The less trash we have to pick up, the faster we can clean the theater, and the happier you will be.

4) If you notice a problem with a movie, or a member of the audience, let an usher know A.S.A.P. We can't get the problem fixed if we don't know about it. The sooner we know about the problem , the sooner we can correct it, and the happier you will be.

5) For R-rated movies, we do check ID and if the person doesn't look like they're ready for Senior Prom, we don't let them in without being accompanied by a person who is of age. If you are of age and look young enough, have your ID ready. Saves you time, saves us time, and makes both of us happy.

Just a few things in mind the next time you watch a movie at a theater. Some ushers or theater staff may seem rude, but most want to make sure you have a good time, and keeping some of these tips in mind will help you have a good time

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year! May everyone have a great and happy new year.